This data was extracted from the Ellis Island Files at
www.ellisislandrecords.org . The data is an index of passengers who listed
" Dobra" as their home residence when they entered the United States at
Ellis Island. The list originally included 2600 passengers but has been
edited to eliminate passengers that were not from Dobra Szlachecka. It is
suggested that you review the complete index so that you can
locate family names that were misspelled by the clerks at Ellis Island. In
some cases the name may began with a different letter.
If you find a name and want to view the original ship manifest, Go to the
Ellis Island web site at www.ellisislandrecords.org and enter the name (as
it was spelled on the index). on the opening menu. A copy of the original
ship manifest and pictures of the ship may be purchased from the Ellis
Island Foundation.
Ellis Island records of Immigration
Dembrowicz, Demhowicz, Demkonicz, Demkovicz, Demkovits, Demkovitz, Demkoviz, Demkowice, Demkowicz, Demkowiez, Denckowicz, Denikowicz, Denkowicz, Denskowicz, Dernkowicz, Deuskowicz, Dewkawisz, Domkowicz, Domkowitz, Dowkowitz, Dunkovicz, Dunkowicz, Dymkowicz, Dynkewicz
This is the list of variations of Demkowicz surname as it apears in an index of the passengers when they entered the United States (or at least this is the way the name Demkowicz was deciphered by the Mormons from the index at the end of XX c.). Evidently the passengers from Dobra were not as lucky as were those from Italy whose interpreter was later mayor La Guardia.