Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).
Dobriansky- Demkovych, Mykhailo (Dobrjans'kyj Demkovyc, Myxajlo), b. 7 November 1907 in the village of Lahodiv, Peremyshliany county, Galicia. Journalist, civic leader. In 1933-9 Dobriansky-Demkovych served as a co-editor of the monthly Dzvony and the weeklies Meta and Khrystos nasha syla. He was a member of the presidium of the Ukrainian Central Committee in Cracow. In 1945 he emigrated to Germany and than Britain. In Munich he edited the journal Problemy (1947-8) and in London the weekly Ukrains'ka dumka (1949-50). In 1956-72 he served as director of the Ukrainian broadcast of the Radio Liberty in Munich. Since 1972 he has been a regular contributor to Nash holos and Ukrains'ki visti. He has represented the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance in the Ukrainian National Council. Dobriansky-Demkovych is the author of Ukrains'ko-pol's'ki stosunky v XiX storichchi (Ukrainian-Polish Relations in the 19th Century, 1969).